

Worship lies at the heart of how we understand ourselves together. Recognizing that God is present every day of the week, we do intentionally come together to be nourished by a worship experience with the divine and among community.

There is a basic pattern for worship among Lutherans. We gather. We encounter God’s Word. We share a meal at God’s table. And we are sent into the world. Worship is not so much about what we do, but fundamentally it is about what God is doing and our response to God’s action. Worship is an encounter with God, who saves creation through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Think about it like this. God’s Spirit calls people together. God speaks through readings from the Old and New Testaments of the Bible, through preaching, prayer and song. God feeds and nourishes in a saving way. And God blesses participants and sends them in mission to the world.